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Рукоятка пистолетная Magpul MOE SL Grip for carabiners AK47/AK74 - Black [MAGPUL]

Модель: Magpul MOE SL Grip for carabiners AK47/AK74
Цена: 141руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 155руб.76коп.

Рукоятка пистолетная Magpul MOE SL Grip for carabiners AK47/AK74 - Black [MAGPUL]

A lightweight, slim and robust pistol grip designed for AK47/AK74 carbines. It was made from a reinforced polymer composite with an anti-slip TSP (Trapezoidal Surface Projections) texture.

The use of a reduced angle of inclination in the grip in relation to the trigger chamber (17 degrees) has significantly increased ergonomics, which allows long-term operation despite the compact design of the carbine with a short LOP (Lenght of Pull).

Technical data
Material: polymer composite
Colour: Black
Grip angle: 17 degrees
Length: 102 mm
Width: 27 mm
Weight: 76 g
Manufacturer: Magpul, USA


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